
State Farm® offers credit and loan tips to help you plan for the future as well as information on deposit accounts and how to help protect your financial information.



Credit cards have pros, cons and various key features.


Do you know your credit score and why it’s an important number? 你知道如何获得信用报告和评分吗? 要知道的东西很多. 让我们深入了解这一切.


你是否准备好建立自己的信用, 考虑投资或考虑退休, these terms may come in handy to help you plan your next financial move.



Student loan debt isn't uncommon, but t在这里 are ways to lighten your load. 以下是关于学生贷款合并需要知道的事情.


Learn ways to make repaying student loans more manageable.


Co-signing a loan for a family member or friend can have potential risks and consequences. 在做这个重大的财务决定之前,多了解一些.


Four kinds of savings and other important savings account information

了解更多关于储蓄账户的知识以及它们是如何运作的. We share four different kinds of savings to help you decide which one may help with your financial goals.


Learn the basics about how to write and cash checks, locate the bank routing number and more.


Read some information about benefits, strategies and items to note for money market savings accounts.


网上银行安全吗?? 是的,但也有一些最佳做法

Paying attention to a few details can go a long way toward boosting your online banking security.

Safe Online Shopping Tips to Protect Your Information

Keep your financial information safe when you make purchases online by avoiding unsafe sites and only entering your credit card information to secure sites.

信用卡,借记卡 & 防止银行卡诈骗的ATM安全提示

Learn about credit card fraud and how to help protect yourself with common security precautions.



You can have a budget — and still live the life you want to live. Budgeting is a simple and reliable resource for shedding unwanted debt, 达到财务目标, living a healthier financial lifestyle and maintaining true financial wellness.


You can have a budget – and still live the life you want to live.


Do you find yourself juggling multiple bills and wondering how to make ends meet? 以下是一些帮助你控制债务的建议.



帮助 children set goals for their money to set up a lifetime of good financial habits.


Lessons on money management for teens before they head to college, 包括如何制定预算, strategies for saving money and ways to use credit responsibly.


These back to school shopping tips can help you avoid overspending on school supplies and buying duplicate items.


To consolidate debt, first calculate the loan you need

It's easier to conquer debt when you streamline multiple payments into one place.


Enter your home value and mortgage amount to see what line of credit you qualify for.

Calculate how long to pay off a Home Equity Line of Credit

You can also enter other monthly payment amounts and recalculate to see how it adjusts the months to pay off your loan.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with State Farm® (including State Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. State Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.